Repeat Prescriptions

Login to order your medication

If your doctor agrees, you may obtain repeat prescriptions without an appointment.

These can be ordered through this website. Simply click on the SystmOnline button once you have registered at the practice and follow the instructions there.

You can also order these:

  • in person at reception
  • by sending a written request
  • email: (PLEASE NOTE: This email address is for prescription requests ONLY. Any other requests sent to this address will NOT be actioned by the practice. Please contact the surgery in the usual way for any other requirements.

For reasons of patient safety we cannot accept requests made by telephone.

We recommend that you speak to your chosen pharmacy about the services they offer to help you manage your medication.

If you have any query with you prescription, please call reception after 11.00 a.m.

Non-urgent advice: Notice

Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Repeat Dispensing

Do you get regular medicines?

Save time and help your GP practice, your pharmacy and the NHS by using repeat dispensing. Your doctor will send a series of repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy in one go, so there’s no need for you to order them each time.

If you are interesting having your prescriptions sent that way, please leave a message with reception to look into it. 

Electronic Prescription Service

The links to the factsheet and information booklet below provide more information about the Electronic Prescription Service.

If you would like to sign up for this service, here is a nomination form you can either take to your chosen pharmacy, or bring in to the practice.